NETs Around the World

日期: 29/03/2019


上月29日,部份P.2同學參加了家長親子英語工作坊-NETs Around the World 外籍老師遊世界,由本校其中2位外籍英語老師(Teacher Sam and Miss Kiran) 主講,家長和學生都透過這工作坊,認識了英國印度的文化,最後老師亦講解了閲讀圖書的策略,同學們都很享受這次工作坊。


P. 2 Parent English Workshop

Some P.2 students and their parents participated in a Parent English workshop called ‘NETs Around the World’ on 29th March. It was conducted by Teacher Sam and Miss Kiran. The participants learnt about British and Indian culture. The teachers also shared some reading strategies.  Everyone who took part in the workshop really enjoyed it.
